211 LA is your locally based, nonprofit guide to the services & information you need to navigate life in Los Angeles. Put "housing" in the search bar.
For foster or probation btw 18-24 at risk of becoming homeless
Resources for individuals and households experiencing homelessnes or at-risk of becoming homeless.
A list of shelters and contact information from the Department of Women's Health.
Providing housing, support and programs for homeless pregnant women and their children.
Transitional Housing programs
Butterfly’s Haven provides community housing for young women with children and pregnant women.
We are a transitional home for women and children located in Los Angeles, California.
Located in the heart of Hollywood, Aviva’s Wallis House is a 42-bed residence for women and their children experiencing homelessness.
Our Community-Based Housing (CBH) Program connects single unaccompanied women and women with children to permanent housing and supportive services throughout Los Angeles County.
We provide comprehensive care for men, women, and children experiencing homelessness.
Elizabeth House provides a Residential Program and life-long personalized care for pregnant and parenting women and their children.
In a collaborative effort with Los Angeles City's OFFICE of DIVERSION and RE ENTRY, seeks to provide permanent supportive housing to individuals who are homeless.
Donated furniture and home goods for youth aging out of foster care
Provides housing and supportive services for youth facing homelessness
The Alliance assists young people who are eligible for the Independent Living Program to access services through the program, including ILP housing, school tuition, books, a TAP card, and other services available through the program.
The agency provides foster care services for foster children and former foster youth age 23 and younger in Los Angeles County by helping to ease the transition from foster care to emancipation.
The agency provides homeless support services for adults and youth who are living in their vehicles. Services include homeless safe parking programs. There are no geographic restrictions.
The program provides a runaway shelter for at risk youth age 12 to 17 who are in Los Angeles County, including pregnant and undocumented youth.
Rapid Re-Housing provides move-in assistance and short-term rental subsidies along with case management and supportive services to households on the Westside and in South LA.
A Community of Friends’ mission is to end homelessness through the provision of quality permanent supportive housing for people with mental illness.
Good Seed supportive housing program for Transition-Age Youth is more than “three meals and a bed.” We understand the value of a supportive and nurturing environment for young adults who have suffered from long-term instability.
The Winter Shelter Program is held annually to protect people experiencing homelessness during Los Angeles's colder months. Winter Shelters are located all across the County, and will be operating 24 hours a day.