JCOD - Justice Care Opportunities
Have a friend or family member who’s been arrested? The Justice, Care and Opportunities Department can help get them connected to services.
Los Angeles Youth Uprising builds power through youth leadership, direct action organizing and policy advocacy to dismantle the racist juvenile justice system and divert its resources towards holistic models of youth development that ensure LA youth rise and thrive.
Loyola Law School, Law Clinic
Director: Marrisa Miramonte
Call Kathy for consultation at 213-480 6809
Legal advice for undocumented youth
The Juvenile Justice Clinic at Loyola Law School provides holistic, client-centered advocacy for youth involved in the juvenile justice system.
Participatory defense and legal clinic. Services include building a participatory defense strategy for a case, prepare for the parole board, etc. Every second and fourth Saturday fo the month.
The Office of the Ombudsman works independently as an intermediary to provide individuals with a confidential avenue to address complaints and resolve issues at the lowest possible level. The Office proposes policy and procedural changes when systemic issues are identified.
Low cost legal services for immigrants, deportation defense, and DACA support.
Free direct legal services/support or matches clients with pro bono advocates.
Holly Hancock is the Deputy-In-Charge of the Criminal Record Clearing Unit of the Office of the Public Defender.
We are the Nation's largest provider of comprehensive, life-changing services to survivors and an advocate for groundbreaking policies and legislation.
Works directly with children and youth to empower them to excel and make a difference in their own lives and in their communities.
The mission of Organized Blocks Of Boyle Heights/First Blocks of Whittier Boulevard is to bring back the indigenous cultural values of respect for each other and see the Earth as a valued member of our community that we need to protect, be conscious of, and respect.