Our Programs
Our programs use a mobile case management model making sure that each young person we serve (ages 14 – 24) gets the individualized attention he/she needs to be successful. Our team of social workers do a thorough needs assessment to figure out how to best serve each youth and together they create goals and objectives to start working towards. Our services include individualized case-management, academic, vocational and arts classes, monthly community events as well as leadership development.
Youth in conflict with the law are at extremely high-risk for low educational attainment, underemployment, major health disparities, poverty, homelessness, and recidivism. The Coalition’s C/HOPE program is designed to interrupt that typical cascade of negative outcomes. C/HOPE works with justice-involved youth both during their incarceration and during their re-integration into the community while on probation to ensure that each young person is truly ready to re-enter his or her community with both the internal resources and the vocational skills needed to turn the page on a difficult past and create a different, more stable life.
Who is this for? Incarcerated or formerly incarcerated youth aged 14 – 24.

C/FORWARD staff work with students and transitional aged youth on an individual basis to ensure they have access to the best educational opportunities by matching them with first-tier independent schools and community and 4-year colleges. We guide them through the application process and work with them to get the most out of their high school experience, culminating with assistance in the completion of college applications, graduating from high school, and enrolling them in college.
Who is this for? Foster youth aged 14 – 24.


Through exercise, sports, and other communal activities, we will meet our youth in a very familiar arena (exercise and sports) and establish a safe ground. We will get stronger physically, but more importantly, help influence change, restore hope from within, and help break bad habits.
Far too many youth in Los Angeles are left behind. Many are born into a vicious cycle of poverty, trauma, gang involvement, substance abuse, and incarceration. Some of our youth land in the court systems of "Dependency" and "Delinquency" - the foster care and juvenile justice systems. - https://juvenileinjustice.org

Coalition For Engaged Education and First Place for Youth have partnered with a philanthropic donor offering foster women spacious apartments in Santa Monica.
All residents receive counseling and are offered monthly classes (financial management, cooking, childcare, arts programs, etc.) while working and/or attending college.
Who is this for?
Emancipated foster women aged 14 – 24
The Youth Navigator Program consists of young individuals with lived experience and are participants in our programs who have demonstrated success and willingness to move towards their goals. They are employed by the Coalition part time as peer counselors and work closely with counselors supporting them in providing case management needs. Their most important function is that of a role model and mentor for new alumni transitioning back into their community.
Who is this for? Formerly incarcerated and/or foster youth aged 14 – 24.

Summer of Engagement (SOE) is our way of celebrating summer with our youth by providing them with exciting learning experiences in a variety of social settings. Each of our SOE events incorporates a fun social activity (i.e. camping, movie night, kayaking, etc.), food, and topics critical to their development (i.e. accountability, empowerment, non-violent communication, etc.). This summer 2019 we focused our SOE events around restorative justice and incorporated different aspects of this practice into our activities. Among the many restorative justice activities, we included in our events, some of these include storytelling, reflection, brainstorming, and strategic thinking. Above all, the most important part of the Coalition’s Summer of Engagement is to provide our youth with a much-needed sense of support, understanding, and community.